Friday, February 17, 2006

Global Warming

Donald Kennedy, the editor-in-chief, of the journal Science criticizes the Bush Administration in this week's editorial . He cites two scientists, Kerry Emanuel and James Hansen from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) respectively, have been gagged along with other scientists with policies counter to the Administration's goals. Emanuel's studies explain the relationship between the increase in oceanic surface temperatures and the increase in hurricane intensities over the past 30 years. Hansen has been reprimanded for stating that the measures outlined by the Administration may not be adequate to curb the climate changes that are occurring.
These two incidents are part of a troublesome pattern to which the Bush administration has become addicted: Ignore evidence if it doesn't favor the preferred policy outcome. Above all, don't let the public get an idea that scientists inside government disagree with the party line. The new gag rules support the new Bush mantra, an interesting inversion of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfield's view on war: "You don't make policy with the science you have. You make policy with the science you WANT." But the late-breaking good news is that NASA Administrator Griffin has said that there will be no more of this nonsense, and Deutsch, the 24-year-old Bush appointee sent to muzzle Hansen, has left the agency abruptly after his résumé turned out to be falsified. A change of heart? Stay tuned.

An interesting article in the Washington Post today also talking about the reality of global warming.


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