Sunday, February 26, 2006

Gone Fishin'

I'm off to Lake Tahoe until Tuesday. No new worth news or thoughts for that matter. I leave you with the websites that I check daily. Leave comments about what sites you check daily.

The following are the political blogs:

  1. dailykos - According to wikipedia, "It is arguably the most influential liberal weblog in the United States."
  2. The Huffington Post - A progressive blog started by Arianna Huffington. This is my homepage because it provides all the important headlines of the day and has a list of columnists.
  3. Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish - Sullivan is a conservative blogger who used to be editor of The New Republic.
  4. MyDD - This was one of the first major liberal blogs.
  5. Think Progress - A site that fights against conservatives with point-by-point rebuttals. Think Progress had a real-time counter for the State of the Union which was fun to watch.
  6. TruthDig - I love this site. Although I may not agree with all of the commentary. This site has in-depth articles, "Digs," and an "Uncovered" section which is a dossier of information on featured topics.
  7. Media Matters - This site is "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." Bill O' Reilly is always getting spanked on this site.
  8. BuzzFlash - A site that's dedicated to listing important news stories...and that's about it.

Okay that's it. So I only got done with my political blogs that I look at each day. Let me know what you read.


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