Sunday, February 12, 2006


The following is what I’ve learned from PBS this morning.

Salmon, when spawning, swim back into fresh water to where they were born. This trip is not only when they reproduce, but they also die soon after spawning. At first glance, this may seem a lost opportunity to care for their young. However, it is well known that many species of animals do not support their young.

The story of the salmon may not be so simple as reproduction and run. Biologists have shown that the death of adult salmon serves as mechanism of caretaking for their young. The dead adult salmon becomes fodder for insects. The growth and reproduction of the insects is in turn subsistence for the newborn salmon. The survival of the next generation of salmon relies on the death of the previous generation.

Amazing….It’s the Circle of Life.

(As a side note the PBS show also stated that the salmon death is a primary means for nitrogen in the plant life surrounding the streams.)


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