Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Global Index of Failed States

The top 10 failed states

Sudan: Chaos in western region of Darfur has undermined the peace dividend from the end of the north/south civil war

Democratic Republic of Congo: Millions have been displaced by a bloody internal conflict that has lasted for decades

Ivory Coast: Protracted civil war has shattered country and government has only now met after two-year hiatus

Iraq: In political deadlock and on the verge of civil war after US-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein

Zimbabwe: Facing starvation and in economic freefall under the regime of Robert Mugabe

Chad: Destabilised by Darfur fighting

Somalia: Still in near anarchy under warlords. Government has only recently returned from Kenya

Haiti: Massive human rights abuse and popular unrest followed a US-backed regime change

Pakistan: Tensions between secular government and popular Islamist pressure

Afghanistan: Taliban insurgency on rise again and government hemmed in at Kabul


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